Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Design Strategy; North East based studios.

Here a few studios and designers based in places like Newcastle and Middlesbrough. The one thing I love about all these companies is that their website gives you an impression straight away and a very good one at that. They all seem quite happy and like the studios would house the sort of people I'd love to work with. Although not all of them are completely to my design taste I feel as though I should maybe visit a few just to get a comparison with where I've already been previously and see properly what the north has to offer as I'm so fond of it. I have previously contacted Paul Windle so maybe it's time to send them a photo of a crying kitten because I love their work so I'm really keen to see their studio and meet them! Velcrobelly isn't actually a studio, it's another freelancer but by researching this guy I've seen possible places you could be based as a freelancer in Newcastle if not from home. There's the biscuit factory which I've actually visited before so this is something to bear in mind. 

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