Monday, 23 April 2012

Image: End of module self-evaluation.

1. What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 
I have developed my illustration skills throughout this module and have applied this all of my projects so this skill has developed quite well. I have began to develop more of a personal style that could be recognised as my own work. I have also become more confident with this skill because i've managed to put it into practice quite a lot. Time management has also developed throughout this project because a lot of the briefs were just one week so I had to decide what a substaintial amount of work was week on week and whether I was developing things to the best of my ability. General image skills have developed throughout this module because i've learnt the various ways an image can be produced whether it be in 3D, illustrated, photographed etc and then I have also learnt how to combine these skills. I think a range of these general skills has been applied well throughout the module because I have tried a range of techniques throughout each of the briefs. 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 
The main method of design production I have used throughout each of the briefs is illustrating the imagery I need before producing it digitally. This has informed the design development process in the sense that I then take these images to create things digitally so without them I wouldn't have a basis for all of my imagery. I have also used photography as a design development process because this was relevent to some of the briefs. This informed my design development process because it was the last stage in some of the briefs and created the final piece so it finished the process. I've also sometimes used photoshop to edit some of my imagery so that it was ready for illustrator when it came to making a final piece. This informed my development process because without editing some of the images in photoshop I wouldn't have got the same result within my final pieces. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? 
Illustration skills are definitely a strength throughout my work because I have become more confident with my drawing style and feel as though i'm developing something that is beginning to look like 'my own'. In future I will capitalise on this by using this skill more often whenever I am given chance in a brief, even if just for experimentation. Completing the briefs for the correct deadline has also been a strength throughout this module because if I hadn't had kept on top of the work I would have struggled to get everything done for the module deadline. In future I will make sure I manage my time just as well so that things get done and I dont have a big build up of work at the end. My ability to come up with a range of different ideas has also been a strength throughout this module because it means I have created a range of work and experimented with things I maybe haven't done before. In future I will make sure I explore a large range of ideas so that my work becomes more diverse. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in future? 
My work throughout this module has two main weaknesses. The first weakness is that I have not researched as much as I could have for each of the briefs. In future I will make sure I research as soon as I get a brief so all ideas I have intially are inspired by something and can be informed and developed fully by a better body of research. The second weakness I found was the amount of experimentation I did. I found that I threw myself straight into things instead of spending time coming up with a range of ideas because I didn't want to spend too much time with only having a week one most of the briefs. 

5. Identify five things you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from doing these? 
1. Look and consider more research: My ideas will be more informed and it is likely I could come up with better ideas too. 

2. Prioritise each module that is running as high as the other: The briefs won't feel as rushed and i'll have put more effort into them. They will not be forgotten about. 

3. Develop more: I could come up with some really good ideas through doing this instead of just going with the first one I come up with. 

4. Experiment more: I could have used a range of different techniques to create final pieces. I would have a more diverse range of work and it would be more visually exciting. 

5. Use a greater range of sources for research: I may come across something I wouldn't find on the internet for example. 

6. How would you grade yourself in the following areas: 
Attendence 5
Punctuality 5  
Motivation 3
Commitment 3
Quantity of work produced 3
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 3

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