Monday, 9 January 2012

Top 10 things; concept boards.

Based on the fact my chosen subject is 'the top ten superhero films' I created concept boards to suit for my intial ideas so when it comes to things like the crit people can see what i'm beginning to think i'll do in terms of my sequences, what inspires me and certain elements i've started to consider that will exsist within my sequences. A lot of the elements I have put together for these concept boards have come together quite easily because they are based on research I have done or decisions I have already made. I found it quite difficult to come up with specific content (in this case reviews) because at this stage I pictured my sequences to be mostly image based in a sense that they would leave the audience guessing. Visual concept came about as a quick decision because I hadn't really thought about backgrounds, textures and colour or how I wanted it to look specifically because I knew these decisions would change as I began designing. I placed colours that I knew were linked to superheroes and particular fonts I may consider using as a starting point. This board in particular will have to be revisited at some point to suit my idea better once I have thought more about the specifics. I feel as though these boards communicate a general idea but it needs to be more focused once I am given feedback on this. 

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