Thursday, 12 January 2012

Top 10 things; revised concept boards.

After crits and feedback i'd been given my ideas began to change quite significantly so I thought it was also necessary that I updated my concept boards to fit with this so that someone who was viewing these for the first time could tell exactly what I was thinking without me having to explain these ideas were now incorrect on my previous set of concept boards. The main changes I made to these boards were the 'top 10' after advice that having a greater range of characters would make my work more interesting, adding quotes from the films instead of reviews because the way I want to interpret this top 10 is that its about each of the films and not really public opinion, updating the visuals because i'd made a decision to use sillohettes and also changing my colour pallet because I'd made the decision to use colours from each of the films. I'd also decided to use just Grobold font for my sequences so I didn't need to include all the other fonts as seen on previous boards. Even though these changes seem pretty minor it makes sense to update the boards as they are a vital part of the project because the evaluate my ideas. 

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