Monday 23 May 2011

End of module self-evaluation.

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 
I feel i've developed more skills when it comes to group work because I have become a bit more tolerant of other people. I've never really liked group work but I feel in this module i've warmed to it a little bit more as the results are pleasing when you get a good team of people to work with. I've also developed skills in type and grid because i've learnt that neat and simple isn't always the way forward and theres always so much more you can do with a layout if you think outside the box. Using a grid with eight columns is also generally better than just three because it gives you more to work with and the end results are more exciting. With speaking from experience i've been able to reflect on all the skills i've learnt in general but when it comes to my work I feel i've learnt the consider which outcomes best suit which brief as before I'd go for the 'practical' poster. Through this brief i've learnt that grids are actually really helpful because they mean you can experiment with the layout and make sure all the elements line up suitably and they also give you an overall neater finish. Finally i've learnt that discussions with other people in the class when it comes to certain briefs are always really useful because they may be able to point you in a direction that you hadn't really considered. 

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 
Questionnaires have been really useful throughout this module because i've been able to get the information i've needed straight away and i've got honest opinions from people. They've also meant that I could make sure my idea which actually solving a problem and they've acted as proof of a problem I have created or thought about. Generally i've learnt to aim these questionnaires at specific people to suit the information i'm trying to find out. I've also looked at existing campaigns/information to inform my own ideas and to make sure I steer away from something that's already been done. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
My development work is still coming out on top because I tend to experiment with a range of different layouts/fonts and colours before deciding which one I think is best. I can expand on this by experimenting with other things too such as stock and sizing of whatever it is i'm trying to create so i've looked at a wider range of final outcomes and i'm not limiting myself. The fact I write my thoughts and ideas down when they come to me is also a strength because not only does it mean I won't forgot but it helps me clarify what would work and what wouldn't. 

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully? 
I'm still sat far too comfortably in my comfort zone because I sometimes think i'm afraid to take a risk and make mistakes as I feel this is letting myself down. Due to this, all my work seems very safe and I haven't experimented much with different process' or ways of presenting my work. I feel i'm just going to have to push myself to try new things as some process' I have tried as a workshop but just not in my work, so I know i'm capable of doing different things. Also using my free time to go to new workshops will benefit me because it will broaden my practise. I need to take more risks because at the end of the day i'll only learn more from them.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 
1. Experiment with different types of stock. 
Some of my work may be more suited to one stock more than another and it may make my final outcomes look more professional and considered. 

2. Use my 'free time' to come into uni more. 
I've done this a lot more throughout this project as i've needed the software etc. but I feel a lot more productive through doing so and I think my projects benefit from this. 

3. Explore outside my comfort zone. 
My practise will become more varied and i'll be able to show I have a wide range of skills. If I make any mistakes i'll learn a lot from them. 

4. Blogging. 
I let it slip quite a lot throughout this module and through doing so sometimes I forget why i've done something or what I was thinking when i've done something. So it makes more sense to keep on top of it. 

5. Use the library more. 
I tend to use online resources a lot of the time for my research but if I use books they are more reliable and I may find something I haven't come across. 

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