Monday, 21 November 2011

Good is... final presentation boards.

These are the final presentation boards I created in order for someone to be able to understand the 'story' behind my final products. I created boards of what I think is most important in terms of understanding my story and as this is the first time i've ever made presentation boards I don't think I have done too badly because people should be able to understand where some of my ideas came from in order to get my final pieces and also the context that these things would appear in. Keeping my presentation boards quite minimalist too has come from the idea that my final pieces are quite minimalist because I'd like everything to work together as a whole project. 

These are images of my printed presentation boards. For future reference I am likely to print these boards A2 because in this case I have printed two A3 sheets but due to the border created when you print a single sheet they don't quite meet up properly in the middle. 

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