Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Enterprise group tutorial.

Through out this tutorial we discussed topics such as what we have learnt so far in the lectures, what we do to promote ourselves (if anything) and our expenses sheet we were given to fill out. We also began discussing the fact we will have to choose small groups of approximately four people to work with the set up our own business, this means we can start thinking about what sort of things we would like to do and also who we would like to work with. 

We were each given an action plan so that we could write down things for us to go away and consider until enterprise begins again after the christmas break. On my personal action plan I wrote down, create a behance account to get my work out there. This is something I have never really considered doing before due to lack of confidence but I feel it will be beneficial because I need to begin to make an attempt at getting myself recognised and not just hiding away. The other thing that was on my action plan is, get a business plan from the bank. This business plan is something you usually get when setting up a business account with a particular bank because we need to be aware of how this works when setting up our own businesses in small groups. 

I think the task of setting up a group business is going to be quite interesting because there is a general view that being freelance is quite simple where as i'm learning more and more as I go through my time on the course that this is not the case. 

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