Saturday 21 April 2012

PPD study task four; what is a creative CV? (studios to contact)

The first part of this task indicates that I need to identify a minimum of ten studios to contact. These studios are as follows; 

Big Bite Creative
Big Bite caught my eye because the work is quite quirky and colour, something which I tend to reflect throughout my own work too. They seem like a really positive bunch of people, and most importantly, friendly. The portfolio was generally impressive as they've had a range of different clients and their website design is pretty good. An added bonus is that this studio is relatively close to home. 

Touch Agency
Touch really impressed me with the clients they have worked with such as WWF and amazon, pretty big names! It would therefor be great to get feedback from someone having this experience. The general website layout was also something that caught my eye because its different but easy to navigate around. I also really like the fact its pretty simple. The fact this company are based in Edinburgh also really interested me because it gives the opportunity to explore the industry somewhere new. 

Tubbyphunk are another local design studio which I liked for their fresh, bold design. Some of the illustrative work really speaks to me because it reflects the direction I'd like my own work to take. 

Paul Windle
Paul Windle is definitely very high on my list because i'm a huge fan of disney and loved their portfolio. Very impressive clients. I feel because the subjects are of personal interest this is an opportunity not to be missed. I particularly liked the quirky characters they have to represent each of the team because this is unique and creates a welcoming vibe to their website. 

Room For Design
This studio is based in my home town so it's the perfect opportunity to talk to someone local and I was also intrigued but certainly in a good way! They cover some of my personal areas of interest in terms of the things they are able to produce so I could get some great advice here. 

This studio stood out due to some of their branding work they have created. They have managed to mix illustration skills and branding into one, something which would certainly be useful for me. I feel great advice could come from this studio and it's also another pretty local one, bonus. Another important factor that stood out was the 30 years experience they have in the industry. 

Reluctant Hero 
This studio was pretty different to the ones i've looked at previously but definitely in a good way. The overall style of illustration etc is really unique and impressive to say the least. As certain elements are to be applied to clothing I imagine they are the sort of things I would purchase if I came across them so having the 'like' factor already makes this studio of interest. 

I would also like to contact a few freelance illustrators due to my huge interest in illustration. Obviously it's not possible to visit but I will create some questions that will inform me on what its like to be freelance. The illustrators are as follows; 

Vicki Gausden
Although childrens illustration is not currently an area of personal interest, I really liked the work of this illustrator because its bright, bold and really simplistic yet effective. The overall style is really enjoyable and something I can relate to in terms of my own. The hand drawn lettering was also really impressive and something I again, enjoy doing myself so I see a lot of my personal interests within the work of this freelancer. 

Chris Jevons
Really impressive character designs were found on Chris' website. The style is so quirky and creates some brilliant pieces. Particularly liked the E4 sting as this is something I worked on in one of my own projects, it was good to see someone elses take on it. There was a lot of good feedback left for this freelancer so he seemed an appropriate person to approach. 

Sophie Elm 
Sophie's design is closer to my own in the sense it tends to be handdrawn so I could really get a feel for how the work can be made desirable and what can be done with this skill. The fact illustrations have been applied across a number of surfaces is really impressive and creates a unique edge for this freelancer. 

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