Thursday, 13 October 2011

Enterprise & innovation - lecture three.

Value - what are you worth? 

What is the value of creativity? 
- Creativity is the process by which culture is changed. 
- Creativity is the act of seeing things that everyone else sees while making connections that no one else has made. 
- Creativity is the ability to make or bring into existence something new. 
- Create, communicate and deliver - the creativity is given some form of meaning through these steps. 
- We need insight into what makes people 'tick' to send our creativity in the right direction. 
- There is a definite link with nature as to how similar to animals we are. 

Maslow's hierarchy of need. 
- Physiological 
- Safety 
- Love/belonging
- Esteem
- Self-actualization

- Design is applied psychology. 
- Remind people why you are useful. 
- Be interesting. 
- "You can not be an original thinker if you allow 'them' to distract you" a quote which means that you can't be original if you let the things seen on television to influence and distract you. 

Where is the money? 
- Greatest human needs (greatest market potential) eg. food, housing and construction. 

Value proposition? 
- Crystal clear ideas.
- It's short.
- It has to be in the customers language. 
- The problem and how it can benefit them. 
- Get into a customers head and make notes on everything they say so you have a record of it. 

Its made up of; 
Objectives - how will you achieve your aims?
Specific aims - the difference to be made. 
Overall aim - mission. 

- You need to capture the client straight away. 
- Always begin with a value statement. 

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